Sunday, March 27, 2011

A GPS for Life.

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalms 119:105 

Today, there are all kinds of high-tech tools to give us directions and help us find our way. There’s MapQuest, Google Earth, and Apps for your smart phone. GPS devices for our cars map our routes and tell us where to go. GPS devices on our wrists tell us where we are, how far we’ve run, and how many calories we burned in doing so.

What about our spiritual life? How do we find our way along that path? Fortunately, there are many things which help connect us spiritually: worship, a church home, prayer, fellowship, and service to others are some important ways to stay on track. Another is the Bible. For me, the Bible is the compass that helps show me True North.

The first Bible verse I remember knowing is “God is love” from I John 4:7. When I was a child of three or four, my grandparents gave me a ceramic figurine of an open Bible with this verse painted on it in gold, which sat on my dresser throughout my childhood. There were always Bibles around our house, as my father owned a small business which sold Bibles and educational books. My parents read Bible stories to us from a large book with colorful illustrations, and I often would see my Dad reading his personal Bible at night before sleep.

But I didn’t really ever begin to read the Bible for myself much until I came to Asbury. I joined a Bible study group led by one of the associate pastors, and found I was both intellectually stimulated and spiritually nourished while learning about scripture. I discovered that the Bible is the living Word, and it still speaks to us today. I have since completed Disciple I and II, which were a wonderful foundation, and also great experiences. I have participated in various other Bible studies in my Sunday School class and other small groups, and I am currently participating in the Asbury study of the New Testament in a modern translation.

While I am certainly not as consistent as I would like to be in daily reading, I know that when I am regularly spending time in the Word, my life is better, and I am more grounded. As we say in worship, after reading the scripture: “The Word of God for the people of God; thanks be to God!”

Karen Nugent
Walking the Road

Karen Nugent serves on the Youth Ministry Team at Asbury. She and daughter Caroline live in Roeland Park. 

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