Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Crowded Journey

Not long ago, I was at the airport in Kansas City and then in San Diego. At both airports the crowds were incredible. When I would try to get to my gate, there were hoards of people all around me, walking in front of me, beside me, bumping into me with carry-on luggage, baby strollers, and back packs. I had a destination in mind and I wanted to get there with as little hassle as possible. I wanted to enjoy my trip and not have to pay attention to what everyone else was doing. But there they were! In my way!

So much of my faith journey has been that way. I want to have this leisurely stroll with Jesus that draws me closer and closer to God. I want to move toward God and the kingdom that God talks about, but people keep getting in my way. People keep bumping into me. People keep cutting me off and stopping right in my path. Some of those people are hungry. Some of them are lonely and frightened. Some of them are injured or sick. Some of them are lost and don’t know where they are going. Some of them are angry and hostile. Some of them are rude and disrespectful of others; living in their own little self-centered world.

I would like to ignore the people around me who get in my way. But I keep hearing Jesus say, “…for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me. I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me. I was in prison and you visited me.” (Matt. 25:35-36)

Why can’t the kingdom of God look more like a stroll on the beach than a crowded airport? Why can’t the kingdom of God look more like a sunset than a thunderstorm? Why can’t the kingdom of God look more like a cute baby than a homeless person sleeping in a doorway? Or perhaps….the kingdom of God looks like all of those.

Rev. Jerry Tubach
Walking the Road 

Jerry Tubach is Asbury's Director of Development. He is a retired United Methodist Clergy and former District Superintendent. He lives with his wife Sheila in Lenexa.  Email him at

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