As we welcome spring we also welcome the season of Lent. It is a chance to simplify our day-to-day living and focus on our relationship with God and Christ. Our lives are filled with school, family, friends and activities (even March Madness) that often distract us from living a life with Christ. Lent is a time to shift from the chaos and focus on what God wants us to be. Tradition asks that we remove and simplify – perhaps we might consider Lent as removing distractions to giving- giving to yourself, others and God. For example, I gathered a can of tuna for each day of Lent to donate to the food pantry.
Some ideas to consider:
- Say something nice to at least one person each day.
- Pray for others while you're in the car, waiting for the kids to come home from school, or even while you are waiting in line.
- Volunteer as a tutor, gather food for the food pantry, help with IHN or visit an elderly church member.
- Forgive someone.
- Use your Starbucks or snack funds to purchase tuna, peanut butter or pasta for your local food bank.
Lee SvetWalking the RoadLee serves on the Worship Arts team of Asbury. She lives with husband David in Leawood, and is very glad to have son Clark home for spring break.
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