Saturday, March 26, 2011

All things new.

I've been reading devotionals and doing some thinking about what I could write that would be inspirational and meaningful during this time of Lent. I read about a pastor who spent hours staring at a blank piece of paper as she tried to write an Easter sermon. She couldn't fill it with words because of the death of her son. But on the day before Easter she got up in the morning with a feeling of peace, comfort and joy and was finally able to write a joyous Easter sermon.

Then I read about Jesus in Gethsemane asking Peter, James and John to be with him because He was afraid. He knew what was coming, and He wanted His friends to be there as he struggled in prayer. They fell asleep and failed him. They weren't listening to His request. How often do we listen to others trying to communicate their suffering? All they ask is for a loving touch and an attentive ear, but instead we offer advice or try to solve their problems.

As Lent progresses, God is making all things new (Revelation 21:5). Spring is emerging with flowers, green grass, budding trees and birds. We are invited to a new spirituality and new life. Is this not what is meant as we walk with Jesus through to the resurrection? But we must be listening for God's call. Do not respond with doubt and fear, but believe in God’s transforming power. Be open and do not get caught up in the busy pace of life. Experience God’s transformation taking place in you. Receive the grace He gives to all.

Fran Schrunk
Walking The Road 

Fran Schrunk is Asbury's Parish Nurse. Fran and husband Al live in Prairie Village. 

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